Yesterday saw the revival of The English Connection, my regular Tuesday night trivia team at a Toronto pub. Our team is not at the top of the pack, but we've never come last. Last night I got to put the blogging and genius techniques into practice. One of the questions was "which religious event happens on the 6th day of January?" My Relationship Revelation entry explains the religious roots of the word epiphany before it was adapted as a literary term. The second question at the quiz was a multiple choice question that asked, "which of these celebrities did not perish in a plane crash?"
a) Rocky Marciano
b) Patsy Cline
c) Otis Redding
d) Jayne Mansfield
e) Ricky Nelson
f) Payne Stewart
In writing my Racks and Muffins entry, I briefly mention Jayne Mansfield. While doing the research on the history of female body image in the media, I went on to read more about Jayne's life and learned that she died in a severe car accident.
After my contribution to the team, I proceeded to drink a litre of White Zinfandel and don't remember many of the questions from the second half. However, I did stick the question sheet in my bag; so I will be adapting one of the questions so that I can at least learn something... well something more than, while participating in The Game and avoiding alcohol, it is not a good idea to drink a litre of wine on your day off. Today's question is: How many sectors was Berlin divided into post World War II?
A: I chose this questions because, first off, I still remember it and secondly, our team got it wrong. We wrote in that it was three, however the answer is four; Berlin was occupied by the United States, the British, the French and the Soviet Union post World War II.

Wikipedia: History of Berlin