It has been over a decade since I scaled a rock wall. I can remember in high school being taken on a field trip to try it out with all the jocks and fitness fanatics, yet surprised myself by having a great time. Rock climbing was fun and challenging, but it was not going to be something I pursued as a regular hobby.
Fast-forward to today, and I'm trying it again. A guy at work runs a lunchtime fitness session and has organized for a group of work colleagues to try it out as a team building and exercise activity. I'm actually quite excited to do it again and I mentioned to a friend that at then end of it I would recreate Cliffhanger the movie. This got me thinking (a) I've never seen that movie and (b) it sounded kind of crappy when it came out in theatres, what would possess Sylvester Stallone - the guy who played Rocky Balboa and Rambo - to do a mediocre film about rock climbing? But I realized that I was making a judgement on a movie that I know very little about. Today's question is: what is Cliffhanger about?

A: Cliffhanger was released in 1993 and stars Sylvester Stallone and John Lithgow. The story begins at 4000 feet, Gabe Walker and some friends are moving from a mountain top to a helicopter via a steel cable. Suddenly, the equipment fails for one of the climbers, Gabe tries to save her, but she plummets to her death. Nearly a year later, Gabe returns to the town and is convinced to assist in a rescue on the same mountain range. The rescue mission turns out to be a hoax and is actually a plot by a group of thieves, lead by Eric Qualen, to recover three suitcases containing $100 million dollars. Insert lots of intense action sequences and good-versus-evil drama. The bad guys don't get the money and Gabe et al get rescued by the FBI. The end.
The film was nominated for three Oscars for best Sound Effects Editing, Best Visual Effects and Best Sound. Cliffhanger later went on to win an ASCAP award for the Top Box Office Film. It was also screened at the 1993 Cannes Film Festival and was generally praised by critics. Despite this, the movie was also nominated for four Golden Raspberry Awards for Worst Picture, Worst Supporting Actor (John Lithgow), Worst Supporting Actress (Janine Turner) and Worst Screenplay. Cliffhanger is also in the Guinness World Book of Records for the costliest aerial stunt ever performed.
The film still seems a little plot thin to me, but I will be renting it so that I can substaniate my feelings. And just for the record - perhaps I will not be recreating Cliffhanger at the Rock Oasis tonight; 4000 feet seems a bit extreme.
IMDB: Cliffhanger (1993)
Wikipedia: Cliffhanger (film)