February 19, 2010
This evening, my roommate and I went to see the cult classic 'The Room' for the first time. The Royal Cinema in Toronto tends to show it monthly at midnight. 'The Room' was horrifyingly bad, which made it so good. This movie has everything, from terrible acting, editing inconsistencies, a disturbing 1990's slow jam soundtrack, revolting sex scenes and a nonsensical plot. Yet I challenge someone else to attempt something worse and make it just as entertaining. From the screening, it was obvious that there are some really hardcore people who enjoy shouting at the screen and throwing spoons, a la Rocky Horror Picture Show. Today's question is: what is the significance of the spoons in 'The Room'?
A: As a ‘The Room’ virgin, I was completely unaware that there is a framed picture of a spoon inside Johnny and Lisa’s living room. 'The Room' followers have become obsessed with the photo and shout “SPOON!” and hurl plastic picnic spoons at each other or at the screen each time it appears on screen.
So there you have it. If you end up seeing a midnight screening of this amazing display of horribleness, make sure to bring spoons with you!
Independent Film Channel: “Everyone betray me!” A Primer on ‘The Room’
The A.V. Club: A Viewer’s Guide to The Room
Times Online: Cult hit The Room is the best worst film